Illinois Rocstar Expands Weaponeering Applications

Illinois Rocstar was founded in 2007 with the goal of advancing high-fidelity modeling and simulation (M&S) of solid propellant rockets. Although the company has substantially broadened its business horizon over the past decade, we have never abandoned the technology needs of warfighters. Throughout the past three years, Illinois Rocstar has refined its focus on weaponeering to support the U.S. Air Force and Navy in their M&S applications.


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Developing Reduced Order Mechanisms for Modeling Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles

As energy appetites around the world continue to grow, hydrocarbon fuels will continue contributing to the energy portfolio for the foreseeable future. At the same time, concerns about climate change have increasingly motivated development of energy sources that contribute less to atmospheric carbon levels. Use of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) in modern power cycles has grown in recent years, since the carbon dioxide-rich fluid allows for improved thermodynamic efficiency, more compact facilities, and impressive reductions in cost compared to supercritical steam cycles. As a result, sCO2 power cycles have seen increased evaluation for deployment in a variety of applications, including the complex process of combustion.


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Optimizing Materials in the Cloud with OPTImat

When designing a new material or studying the interaction between materials, the ability to minimize or maximize system properties is often vital to improving the material’s properties. The OPTImat (Optimization of Materials) system will be applicable to broad ranges of problems for which the chemical and materials modeling techniques that will be available to the system can be applied.


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A New Parameterized Model Order Reduction for Fast Running Transport through Nuclear Reactors

This new contract with the U.S. Department of Energy aims to develop accessible, efficient reduced order model software to advance the goals of major modeling and simulation initiatives. The workflow envisioned will enable users to generate parameterized proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) bases from high fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The novel parameterization technique employed by this technology will address stability concerns often associated with POD while assisting users in successful production of fast running models with large eddy simulation (LES) quality.


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A New, Modernized, Enhanced, Rocstar Multiphysics Software with Added Cloud Interface Underway

Illinois Rocstar developers are working to release a new version of Rocstar Multiphysics as both an open-source application and a cloud-ready, high performance computing service on our Simverse platform ( (more…)

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